Sorry I haven't had anything real posted in a while, but I couldn't resist this nonsense. I dedicate this to my three faithful readers. It was a fun little game, but my Google settings have all the filters turned off. There were some pretty appalling photos I found for "Christopher," "Louise," and "farmhand." If you want to know what I'm talking about, go to the Preferences link on Google, turn off the
SafeSearch Filter, and then look up those words I mentioned.
Answer the following questions by typing the answers into Google Image Search. Then post the picture that you like best for the answer.My Age:

A Place I Would Like To Visit:

My Favorite Place:

My Favorite Object:

My Favorite Food:

My Favorite Animal:

My Favorite Color:

Town Where I Was Born:

A Past Pet:

My First Name:

My Middle Name:

My Last Name:

A Bad Habit:

My First Job:

My Current Job:

My Grandmas' Names:

What I Am Doing Now:
I, too, got some pretty nasty pictures popping up for Elliot, so I turned my safe search filter on before getting to grandma. Nothing worse than thinking about your grandma while simultaneously looking up porn.
Yes, the Michael Rose character is, in fact, loosely based on you, in that he lives in Minneapolis and used to work at Bubba Gump Shrimp Company.
Yayyyy! Nonsensical games.
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