Monday, September 08, 2008

Everybody's movin' movin' movin' movin'

On top of myself moving from my lush apartment in beautiful St. Louis Park to a dingy basement in South Minneapolis, there are some blogs on my blog-roll that have migrated elsewhere, too. Mostly it's big-timers who have out grown this free Google Blogger system and need an upgrade. I'm not sure what's so different except their URL's no longer contain .blogspot anymore.

Anyhow, here are the changes:

Paging Jim Shikenjanksi has moved to The Daily Gopher. This is the new love-child blog of the former PJS and another UofM blog called Gopher Nation. The two guys who operate this site have been pretty good so far with a couple updates every day. It's now on my daily reading list.

Sunday Morning Quarterback has moved to the Y! Sports Blog network and now goes by the name of Dr. Saturday, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the BCS. Same great statistical analysis as SMQ, only now with cleverer title.

The Wizard of Odds is now simply called The Wiz of Odds. Not sure what prompted that change. Again, the only difference I see is lack of .blogspot in the URL now.

While I'm updating the existing links, I thought I'd add a few more to the pile.

Official TCF Bank Stadium webiste - They now have an official site that is mostly designed to sell tickets. However, under the multimedia link, you still view construction progress through the webcams. There are a few bad links in the site, but I've read all of this information before. I now just check it daily to look at the webcams.

Obsessed much?


Now I'll probably have these sites linked up until the election in November. They're good things to read daily during a big election season. - This site is absolutely great if you like to follow big elections. This blogger has an simple entry everyday, but the fun part of the site is that he tracks every major political poll through the country and updates an electoral college map with red and blue colors throughout the entire campaign season. It's very interesting to see the fluctuations and the biases of all these different polls.

I got to say that I'm pretty damn impressed that a recent North Dakota poll shows Obama with a 3% lead over North Dakota. This is a state that was carried by George W. with 60% of the vote in both 2000 and 2004. Polls in South Dakota and Montana show Obama and McCain in a statistical tie as well. It appears there may be a large political shift occurring in the northern plains. Let's see if it carries on into November. - This is a great non-partisan site that sifts through all of the political bullshit, spins, misleading figures, and outright lies we will be hearing from both sides of this presidential campaign. Obviously the hot times on this site are right after the conventions and debates. They also post fact checks on new campaign commercials as they come out.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

woo hoo! Chris returns. So you're living in a basement now? What caused the switch? I can relate to that creepy-crawly feeling. Simpson house was filled with those damn centipede things... ewwwww! Ask Briana, she had to endure them too.

Oh, and yes. I am so white... so thanks for that comment. : )